publikoval: okoun | 4.2.2015 - 22:34
Nějaký čas jsem již nepsal o nových verzích ROS, jelikož se neudály zas tak zásadní změny. Nicméně ale kdo ví třeba jsou tam změny skryté, což se již několikrát stalo
Novinky 6.25
*) certificates - fix SCEP RA operation and SCEP client when operating with RA;
*) ppp - report authentication failure cause like in v6.6;
*) ovpn server - added support for address lists;
*) improved boot times;
*) api - fixed missing return values of some commands;
*) ntp - fixed vulnerabilities;
*) mpls/vpls have improved per core balancing on CCRs;
*) fixed queue tree no-mark matching (was broken since 6.24);
*) fixed nested simple queues (was broken since 6.24);
*) fixed occasional crash when ipv6 was used;
*) fixed route cache overflow (ipv4/ipv6 stops working) if ipsec is used;
*) fixed Omnitik upgrade from v5 where wireless config was not correctly saved
*) fixed Webfig Design Skin where some skin changes were not saved
*) WPS support added to CM2 wireless package
Verzi 6.25 raději přeskočte, jelikož se vyskytla u některých bezdrátových spojů chyba s prouštěním OSPF protokolu, prý bude opraveno ve verzi 6.26.
Novinky 6.26
*) ssh - fixed ssh related crashes;
*) ovpn - allow to add VLANs to ovpn server bindings;
*) sstp - added pfs option which enables DHE;
*) pppoe client - increased timeout when searching for servers;
*) sstp - fixed problem were Windows 8 clients couldn't connect;
*) console - fixed some missing export entries;
*) smb - improved stability, fixed some crashes and problems causing disconnects;
*) api - fixed /system check-installation;
*) cerm - fix scep client ca caps parsing;
*) RouterBOARD - included new RouterBOOT 3.22 to enable protected-routerboot setting (see wiki);
*) webfig - fixed various design skin issues;
*) NTP client - accepts ipv6 as a server address;
*) known issue - /system check-installation incorrectly reports error on PPC;